Monday, June 8, 2009

Afternoon at the Circus

A couple of weekends ago, the Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus came to town. I had been debating whether or not to spend a FORTUNE and take the girls. After learning that Ken had NEVER been to a circus, I decided we needed to go at least once. We had a great time spending an afternoon as a family. Tressa enjoyed the first half of the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, but after the tigers she wanted to go home. Ken was a sucker and bought Tressa a stuffed poodle. Plus, what is a show without popcorn. When all was spent and done, we had fun. Here are some pictures to highlight the afternoon.


Keli said...

I am surprised that they let you out. Especially Ken he could have been the World's Hairiest Man!! This is a comment not posted by Keli...but her better half;-)

grannybabs said...

I've never been to the circus in my life.

But it looks like fun.

I just be content with watching Dumbo again!