Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

This past month and a half just flew by. Ken and I have been so busy with interviews (from the weekend before Thanksgiving to the weekend before Christmas), that we feel we were not able to participate in all the holiday festivities. I will post much more on our adventures from the West coast to the East coast, as for now, I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

We had a great Christmas this year. Ken and I decided to have our own little Christmas with the girls at home. This will be our last Christmas in Peoria, IL and we wanted to celebrate in our first home.

The night before Christmas, we made homemade pizza for dinner. After the dishes were done, we sat around the tree to open our Christmas Eve presents (the usual pajamas and the Christmas Eve movie). The girls absolutely loved their pajamas courtesy of Mimi and Papa.

We put our pajamas on, read the bible story of Jesus' birth, pulled out the goodies and sat to watch "Merry Madagascar". Before bed, we put out cookies, carrots and milk for Santa and his reindeer.

Ken had to work Christmas day; however, he was able to go in an hour and a half later than scheduled so he could watch the girls open their presents. Santa was very kind to them this year. They really enjoyed their gifts and goodies from Santa, family and friends.

Katelyn didn't care about the rest of her presents. The minute she saw her Wonder Pet figurines, she was in heaven.

Tressa really wanted a dog for Christmas. I didn't want to have a real one so we ended up getting her a fur real puppy. She absolutely loves it. She takes it everywhere with her and her newborn cat.

The rest of the day was spent sitting around in our pajamas playing with every new toy. We had a nice roast dinner and was able to talk with family through Skype. It was a joyous holiday season. We want to wish everyone a

From the Richards Family to You!!