Monday, March 9, 2009

Play along with me....

I was wondering what I could post today on my blog. As I was sitting and pondering what I should write, an idea popped into my head. It is a game I would like to call, "Where are we?" Since Ken and I have been married and living outside of Utah, we have had the opportunity to travel to throughout the country seeing and exploring brand new sites. So I think every Monday I am going to show you a picture and you have to post a comment telling me where you think we are. Let's see how well you know our country and the history behind it. We will start with an easy one.

"Where are we?"
(name the landmark and city or state, which ever you prefer)

I will let you know that answer the following morning. I hope you like playing games. I know I sure do. Good luck!


Hester said...

I can see this very landmark from my bedroom window. Washington Monument, Washington DC.

What do I win?

Amy said...

Washington Monument,Washingtion DC.Some place I want to visit one day.